Dinosaur Speech Therapy Lesson Plan + Freebies
The dinosaur theme for speech therapy is popular for a reason. It’s. SO. fun. Targeting speech and language goals with a dinosaur theme keeps our students engaged and excited. We hope you can use these suggestions and ideas to target all of your goals. Find an exclusive full product freebie below!
Dinosaur Dot and Say (below)- All Phonemes, even blends, 9 worksheets per sound
This is one of our favorite products that we make. We recommend it for a variety of ages, a variety of groups, and for a variety of purposes. You can use these worksheets as a warm up, a main activity, a carryover activity, or a homework activity.
Dinosaur Spin and Say Worksheets - The perfect NO PREP worksheets for all phonemes
Dinosaur Articulation Mystery Puzzles (below) - Color or B&W high rep worksheets
With minimal prep (cutting), this worksheet will yield SO many repetitions for speech sounds. And as a fun plus, it has a precious dinosaurs-at-school theme.
Roll and Say Articulation - Build a Dinosaur - This one is TOO cute and creates a perfect take-home craft for home carryover practice.
These are NEW and so precious. There is a different articulation mat for every sound in every position including blends. The smash mat image is large for small hands and the pictures included on the bottom are Mashable as well. Laminate or use a protective sheet for endless uses.
Dinosaur Following Directions (below)
These following directions activities are great for students working on receptive language concepts but can also be used for a variety of other goals. There is a teacher sheet included with suggested ideas OR it can be used as an open-ended activity.
Dinosaur Verb Tense Worksheets - Great one page verb sheets to target five different verb tenses
Dinosaur Interactive Books - These books are GREAT for a variety of ages and abilities. The interactive component allows for increased engagement and practice with vocabulary, basic concepts, wh questions, and more.
Sensory Bins
Dinosaur Sensory Bin Activities - Add these printable activities to your dinosaur sensory bins. A sensory bin is a great way to incorporate hands on play to your speech therapy session. For a dinosaur bin, we recommend kinetic sand and fossils, small dinosaurs and black beans (lava rocks), or green rice and rocks with dinosaur figures. The printable activities add in language concepts such as prepositions, following directions, vocabulary, and matching into your sensory play.
Open Ended
Dinosaur Vocabulary Posters and Scavenger Hunt - This is great to add into a session with any of the other speech and language ideas above. (FREE BELOW! 🎉)
Dinosaur Songs - 15 Engaging Dinosaur Songs - These are great to incorporate into your dinosaur lessons for toddlers and preschoolers (Thanks, Mom Junction!)
The list of dinosaur books is endless but here are our four top favorites!
How Do Dinosaurs Play with Their Friends
Dinosaur Feet Painting
Materials: Cardstock, Scissors, Watercolor Paints & Paintbrush
This was SO cute and easy. I drew the feet ahead of time then had my daughter paint them as we talked about dinosaurs. You could easily incorporate this into a speech or language session with WH questions, articulation targets, and more.
Build A Dinosaur
Magnetile Dinosaur Puzzles - This is a great idea for hands on dinosaur activity
Dinosaur Articulation Smash Mats /S/ Sound FREEBIE - Try our new articulation smash mats for free with this S Sound download.
Dinosaur Rhyming Game - Sweet Sounds of Kindergarten
Free Printable Dinosaur Board Game With Dice (Thanks, Powerful Mothering!)
Dinosaur Vocabulary Posters and Scavenger Hunt - Full Product FREEBIE - Below!
Let us know what dinosaur activities you’re planning on doing over on our Instagram. @redrosespeechies We would love to hear from you!