Read Across America Speech & Lang Lesson Plan

Read Across America Week is our time to shine, where the joy of reading meets the awesomeness of speech therapy. Inspired by the whimsy of Dr. Seuss and our love for reading, we've crafted lesson plans that are as fun as they are effective. Scroll to find speech, language, and literacy ideas for your upcoming lessons and sessions.

Find a full product subscriber FREEBIE below for access to our brand new Read Across America Phonological Awareness Smash Mats!


The Cat and the Hat Spin and Say - All you need for this activity is the page, a paperclip and a pencil. Spin the paperclip and practice your words that number of times.

The Cat and the Hat Mystery Puzzle - Print, cut and glue the words to the matching pictures to reveal a themed picture.

The Cat and the Hat Articulation Hat Craft - Print, color and glue this hat together to target phonemes during the speech session and all week long at home. This is the perfect home carryover activity.

Green Eggs & Ham Speech Therapy Cut and Say - Read Across America Articulation - Print and go this no-prep articulation activity. This is a great activity to start in a session and send home for more practice.

Color by Code Speech Therapy - Cat and Hat Read Across America - Artic/Language - This activity is great for mixed speech and language groups - the download includes ALL speech sounds including blends and 10 different language concepts.

Cat and the Hat Spin and Say Freebie CH Sound

Cat and Hat Speech Therapy - Prevocalic Vocalic R Mystery Puzzle - FREEBIE


Sensory Bin Letters - Add this FREE activity to a themed sensory bin or print/laminate for a warm-up table top activity.

The Cat and the Hat Rhyming Bundle - Target pre literacy skills with these rhyming and phonological awareness NO PREP printables.

Find a full product subscriber FREEBIE below for access to our brand new Read Across America Phonological Awareness Smash Mats!


All of Dr. Seuss’s classic books are full of rhymes, action words, and descriptions. Have you ever tried to put sticky notes on the back of the book to remind you of your targets as you read? Pre-read the book before you share with your students and you can target pretty much ANY goal intentionally. Have fun! Here are a few ideas to get you started.

The Cat and the Hat

Language Targets: Prepositions, Action Words, and Pronouns

Articulation Targets: TH Words, K Words

One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish

Language Targets: Describing, Action Words

Articulation Targets: Final Consonant Deletion, TH words, F words, SH words


See our Pinterest Board for activities themed around Dr. Seuss, Cat and the Hat, and more!

Play Based Activities

Go Fishing - First, read One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish and then go fishing! Pair a speech or language activity with this fishing activity. We love this fishing set. Try fishing for articulation cards such as these FCD cards or these fronting cards for additional practice as well.

Pin the Hat on the Cat - Try using this activity as an incentive or transition activity. You can also use it to target one or two step directions. Have fun with it!

Subscribe here for access to our brand new Read Across America Phonological Awareness Smash Mats!

Our TPT Store is full of Read Across America activities along with other Spring-themed products to keep you going through the end of the school year. Don’t forget to check out our Pinterest board for more activities, crafts, and books as well! 

Let us know on Instagram, @redrosespeechies, what you are planning for this Spring / Reading Month season. Love, your Red Rose Speechies! 


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